Azimuth, Elevation Angle, and Elevation on Photos

Azimuth (compass icon): an arc of the horizon measured between a fixed point (as true north) and the vertical circle passing through the center of an object usually in astronomy and navigation clockwise from the north point through 360 degrees

Elevation Angle (triangle icon): the vertical angle from the horizon that the camera is facing when photo is captured.

Elevation (mountain icon): the height above the level of the sea in feet

The azimuth, elevation angle, and elevation will be captured automatically on every photo that you take.

1. Click on the 'i' icon on the top right if you wish to see the azimuth, elevation, and elevation angle being captured as you take a photo. Click it again if you wish to hide them.


2. The azimuth, elevation angle, and elevation (ft) will display on the photo underneath the caption.

3. To view this information in the web portal, you will need to open the photo in the image viewer. Click on "Show More".

4. The azimuth, elevation angle, and elevation (ft) will be displayed. Click on "Show Less" if you wish to hide this information.

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