The Photo Manager allows users to edit, reorder, move, flag/unflag, download, view high resolution photos, and delete photos.
1. From the project view page, click on the photo manager icon in the top right corner. The number in the purple circle tells you how many photos you have in this project.
2. Hover your mouse to the right side of the photos you want to edit and click on the 3 dots.
3. Click on the photo/s you want to edit and then choose to flag, unflag, move, or delete. Click on "Done" when you are finished.
4. You can drag and drop a photo to reorder within a field. The new order gets saved when clicking "Done".
5. If you want to move photos to a different field, select a photo and click "Move". You can then select the field you wish to move the photo to.
6. On the right side of the photo manager, you have the ability to edit photos individually. You can flag photos, edit photos, download, archive, and delete.
7. To view the full size of a high resolution photo, the zoom icons are located on the top left. You can toggle between the 640px version, original version fit to the screen, and original version with scrolling. When you choose one of the options it will "stick" for all photos, until you choose a different viewing option.
8. When the zoom level 1 is selected (2nd icon), the original version of the image is shown but is sized to fully fit on the screen. Selecting zoom level 2 (3rd icon), the original version of image is displayed full size and the user can scroll around to see the all parts of the image.
9. To exit out of the photo manager, click on the X to the top right of the photo.
10. To locate the thumbnail for the currently displayed photo - click the “Target” button at top of thumbnail view and it will scroll to the current photo.
11. To download the image zip file, click on the download icon.
12. Choose which photos you want to download and select the various features. Click on "Create Zip File".