Custom Email on Vendor Invitation

Portal Admins can set a customized email text to be included in the vendor invitation email.

1. Go to "Settings" and scroll to Notifications.

2. Under "Custom email text on vendor invitation", enter your message. The email will always start with "Dear (vendor name), then your custom text you insert will show next.  If this is the first time the vendor is being set-up to work in SiteCapture, the email will then display the vendor's username and initial password.  If the vendor already exists in the SiteCapture network and is working with others, they will simply see instructions guiding them to log into their SiteCapture account and click to accept the invitation.


3.  Here is a suggestion of something that might be a good idea for your custom text.  "My, co. would like to connect with you in SiteCapture.  If you need any help please contact (my company contact for vendors).  Here is our phone number and vendor contact email address.  We are looking forward to working with you."  Once you have your text, make sure you click "save" at the top or bottom of the admin settings menu.  Note:  You need to log out of your portal and log back in for this new setting to take effect.

4. When you add a vendor and connect them, the email will now include your customized text. This email will come from your company and not SiteCapture Support. 


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