Web App: In App Messaging (Beta)

The chat feature is in beta and not available to all customers yet. This is a real-time chat feature that allows admins to send messages from the web app to users out in the field on the SiteCapture mobile apps. All messages are stamped with the date and time. Users on the mobile app can also upload photos via chat. 

1. The chat icon is on the top right corner of the web app next to the search icon. If there are no new messages, it will appear greyed out. 


2. Click on the chat icon and you will see if you have any messages. Since, the icon is greyed out, you will see that there are no new messages. Click close and the box will disappear.


3. When there is a new message, the chat icon will display red with the number of new messages received. Click on the chat icon to view the projects that have the new messages. 


4. A pop up will appear and show a list of projects with new chat messages. Click on the project, to open the project and view the new message. 


5. The project will open directly to the chat tab and display a history of chat messages along with the display name and time stamp. 


6. To send a message to the assigned user or users who have share access on a project, add text and click Send. 


7. After hitting send, your message will be sent to the user(s) and display a time stamp. 




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