How to Sync & Sync Status Settings

1. Check the sync icon on the project list page to see if it's spinning which means it's syncing to the cloud.



2. A sync icon will also appear on the project to inform you of the status. A green spinning icon means it's syncing to the cloud A yellow icon means it's pending. A red exclamation icon means there is an error. 




3. If you see a red icon, on the project press the icon and you will see what the issue is. Usually this error is related to the project being re-assigned to a different user. You will need to contact your administrator to have them assign the project back to you to finish syncing. 



4. Check your Sync Status by going to the Settings Menu at the top left and tap on Sync Status.



5. The sync status gives you information about what type of connection you have (wifi/5G/etc.), how many projects, and the number of media and fields that need to be synced.



6. When syncing is complete you will see Projects, Media, and Fields at 0. If you need to start syncing you can click on the "Start syncing now" link to initiate a sync.


7. Sync Settings: Tap to turn these features on and they will highlight green.

  • Sync on Wifi Only: Syncing only occurs when you are connected to wifi. Syncing will not occur when you are connected to data. 
  • Optimize Photo Download: This feature will not download all photos during a sync. Photos are downloaded individually by clicking on the thumbnail for the photo. 
  • Auto Sync: This feature will automatically sync on the project page. See this guide for more details
  • Sync Notifications: Receive a notification if you have unsynced photos and data on your phone and need to reopen SiteCapture to finish syncing 


8. Tapping on "Issues Syncing" will take you to this syncing guide and allow you to submit a support ticket. If your sync seems like it is stuck, please try to quit and restart your app.



1.  Change your mobile settings to not to let the device go to sleep, as the app needs remain open to sync to the cloud. 

2. Do not to leave the project list view screen or sync status screen to actively sync.

3. Syncing does not occur when taking photos or filling out a project. 

4. Check your sync status and if the numbers are all at 0, this means you have completed syncing.

5. Do not log out, before completing a sync. You will lose photos and data if you log out before syncing completely. 

6. Do not share one username between multiple people and devices. This may cause data loss. Please contact your admin who assigns you work if you need a username. 


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