Importing Work

Vendor Admins will only have access to importing if your client allows you to create projects. 

If you are a vendor with an upgraded account, then you will be able to import projects using your own templates along with the templates of any clients who have the feature "vendors can create projects" turned on. 

Please see this article on how to format the spreadsheet: Importing Data

1. Click on the admin gear icon and then click "Import". 

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 11.51.36 AM.png

2. Choose the Company. The templates associated with the company you select will appear in a dropdown. Select the template. Choose the csv file from your computer. You have the option to check the box "Remove invalid characters from your data". Check this box to ensure that your file will upload correctly. 

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 11.45.51 AM.png

3. After you make the selections and uploaded the file, click on "Upload and Validated your import file.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 11.47.59 AM.png

4. If your file contains and errors, they will appear and you will need to fix the file and then import again. 

Common Errors

If there are errors in the import spreadsheet an error message will be displayed. Common errors include incorrectly formatted data:

  • All dates must be formatted as yyyMMdd (i.e. 20161231), MM/dd/yy, or yyyy-MM-dd
  • All Boolean values must be input into the import spreadsheet as TRUE or FALSE
  • Money field should NOT include the $ sign.

5. While the import is in progress, it will show you the number of rows imported.


6. Once the import is complete you can click on the work under list of items created. You can either start a new import or "Close and view items".



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