Salesforce Setup (Classic UI)


The SiteCapture integration with Salesforce requires some setup in both applications.  This article describes the process of setting up Salesforce to accept incoming API calls from SiteCapture.  There are two parts to this setup:

  1. Creating the SiteCapture App in Salesforce
  2. Creating an API user in Salesforce and setting their profile

Note that this guide pertains to the "Classic" UI in Salesforce.  There will be a separate guide for the "Lightning" UI.


Creating/Configuring the SiteCapture App in Salesforce

1. Log into Salesforce and click the “Setup” link at the top right of your home page.

2. In the Quick Find box, type “apps”.  Under Build / Create, click on the link marked “Apps”.




4. At the bottom, under “Connected Apps”, click the link for the SiteCapture app to see the consumer key and the consumer secret.

5. If you don't see the SiteCapture app under "Connected Apps", follow the above instructions to get to the Apps page, then click the “New” button next to “Connected Apps”.

6. Follow the instructions on this page:

Be sure to check the “Enable OAuth Settings” checkbox, and then add “Full access” under “Select OAuth Scopes” and select "Relax IP restrictions" under IP Relaxation.

Enter as the callback URL (this is not used, but it appears to be a required field).

7. After you hit “Save”, your consumer key (Salesforce Client ID) and consumer secret (Salesforce Client Secret) will be displayed.  Make a note of these, as they will be required when configuring the SiteCapture application. 

8. To retrieve the your consumer key (Salesforce Client ID) and consumer secret (Salesforce Client Secret) at a later time:

Click on Build/Create/Apps in the left navigation when in Setup, and click on the SiteCapture app under Connected Apps.  You will see the key and secret on the SiteCapture screen.

9. To get the Salesforce API Base URL, login into Salesforce and take the base url from the browser url.   For example, if the URL in the browser is, you would copy the following:


Configuring a Profile and User in Salesforce

1. The SiteCapture application will need a user and password to make API calls to Salesforce.  You can either create a new user in Salesforce, or use an existing one.  Go to Setup and click Administer/Manage Users/Users.

2. The user will need to be assigned a profile that determines his or her permissions.  Please contact SiteCapture Support for a list of the permissions required for the API user. 

3.  Make a note of the user's username and password, to be used later in the configuration of the SiteCapture integration.  Note that the password for this user must only contain letters and numbers.

4. Also ensure that Enable API is checked under Administrative Permissions for the Profile of this user.


Next Steps

Once the preceding actions have been taken to set up Salesforce, the next step is to configure the integration in the SiteCapture application. Please see the Salesforce Integration page for instructions.





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