Admins & Managers can only see assigned work in mobile

By default, Portal Admins and Managers have access to all work across all users on the mobile apps.

We have a setting that SiteCapture can turn on, to allow Portal Admins and Managers to only see their assigned work. Please contact if you would like this feature turned on. 

By turning this feature on, it will only allow them to view their own work as an assigned user or set as a manager in the mobile apps. Portal admins and Managers will still have access to all work across all users in the web app. 

If Managers are creating projects from the mobile app, then the feature to "auto-assign on create" located at Admin>Settings under Security should be checked. 

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 10.24.21 AM.png

Once we turn this feature on, Portal Admin and Manager users will need to fully sync, then log out and back into the mobile app to see the update. 

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