Aurora Integration


This document provides instructions and guidelines for working with and configuring the Beta of the SiteCapture Aurora integration.  This integration allows for the initiation of a SiteCapture Site Survey from the Aurora app, the pulling of relevant data and photos from Aurora into that Site Survey, and the automatic pushing of data and photos back to Aurora when the SiteSurvey is completed.


Using an Aurora Compatible Template


One key aspect of the integration is using a SiteCapture template that is Aurora compatible. That means it has certain sections, field groups, fields, and field options that must meet the requirements of the integration.  There are three ways to accomplish this:


  1. Use the default Aurora Site Survey template

This will be provided to you by the SiteCapture team.  You can use it out of the box and it’s the simplest way to get started. 


Note:  This template was last updated on 8/6/2024.  Please reach out to your SiteCapture Customer Success Representative to request this template.

  1. Use the default Aurora Site Survey template with your own customizations

In this approach, you use the default Aurora Site Survey template as a starting point and add your own custom sections and fields.  If you don’t make any changes to the existing section keys, field groups, or fields, only minimal configuration will be required.  


Note:  This template was last updated on 8/6/2024.  Please reach out to your SiteCapture Customer Success Representative to request this template.

  1. Modify an existing template and make it Aurora compatible

This approach makes sense if you have a well established template and you prefer to continue using it.  This approach is much more involved and the details are outlined below.  We recommend that you work with the SiteCapture Customer Success team who can assist with this process.  We recommend that you create a copy of your existing template and make changes to that.  Be sure to test it thoroughly before using it for actual Site Surveys.  The default Aurora Site Survey template provides an example of how to make your sections, field groups, and fields compatible.  


Note: This template was last updated on 8/6/2024.  Please reach out to your SiteCapture Customer Success Representative to request this template.

Modifying a template to make it Aurora compatible


Initial Integration to Get Started

If you have an existing Site Survey template, it’s simplest to first start with a “PDF Only” integration.  With the PDF Only integration, you only need to add the two fields in the “Required Fields” section to your template. Once the Aurora integration is configured, and the Site Survey has the Aurora Project Id set, the PDF of the SiteCapture Site Survey including all photos and data will be attached automatically in Aurora on the project for your design/engineering team to use

Full Integration

Once you have the Initial Integration working, you can incrementally make changes to your template to support the rest of the Aurora integration.  The Aurora Full Integration requires certain fields and field types to be present in the SiteCapture template for the integration to work correctly. The following tables document these fields, sections, and groups. The tables are broken up into 4 categories.


  • Aurora Project, Site Survey and Design Section - Data flowing from Aurora to SiteCapture.
  • Electrical Section - Data flowing from SiteCapture Electrical Section to Aurora
  • Subpanel Section - Data flowing from SiteCapture Subpanel Group to Aurora
  • Roof Section - Data flowing from SiteCapture to Aurora. These are the default values used in mounting planes.
  • Mounting Plane Section - Data flowing from SiteCapture Mounting Plane Group to Aurora


Unless specified otherwise, required means the field must exist in the template and be marked as required. Please note that SiteCapture comments are not pushed to Aurora.

Aurora Project, Site Survey and Design Section


This section includes the data that is coming from Aurora into the SiteCapture project when it is created.

Required Fields

The following table documents the required fields for data that is coming from Aurora. Note when the integration originates from SiteCapture some of these fields will be blank.


Aurora name Required SiteCapture Default Key  SiteCapture Type Selection Options Description
Project Id X sc_aurora_project_id Text   This field is used to store the id of the project entity that is created in the Aurora system. When the integration originates from SiteCapture this field will need to be entered manually. Note this field mapping cannot be changed
Site Survey Id X sc_aurora_site_survey_id Text   This field is used to store the id of the site survey entity that is created in the Aurora system. Note this field mapping cannot be changed.


**Site Survey Id is only required to exist in the template. It does not need to be marked as required in the template itself. When the integration originates from SiteCapture this field will initially be blank but the integration will populate it after the first sync to Aurora.

Optional Fields

The following table documents optional fields that are coming from Aurora into SiteCapture when the integration originates from Aurora. When the integration originates from SiteCapture these fields can be ignored.


Aurora name Required SiteCapture Default Key  SiteCapture Type Selection Options Description
Design Image   sc_aurora_design_image Image   This field is used to store the design image that is created in the Aurora system. Note this field mapping cannot be changed. If this field is not defined the Aurora design image will not be stored with the SiteCapture project. 
Design Id   sc_aurora_design_id Text   This field is used to store the id of the design entity that is created in the Aurora system. Note this field mapping cannot be changed.
Project Name   sc_aurora_project_name Text   The name of the project in the Aurora system.
Customer Salutation   sc_aurora_customer_salutation Text   The salutation of the homeowner in the Aurora system.
Customer First Name   sc_aurora_customer_first_name Text   The first name of the homeowner in the Aurora system.
Customer Last Name   sc_aurora_customer_last_name Text   The last name of the homeowner in the Aurora system.
Customer Phone   sc_aurora_customer_phone Text   The phone number of the homeowner in the Aurora system.
Project Address   sc_aurora_project_address Text   The full address of the project in the Aurora system.
Project Type   sc_aurora_project_type Text   The type of the project in the Aurora system. Residential/Commercial.


Electrical Section


This section is the mapping of the electrical site survey data from SiteCapture to Aurora. Any photos added to any field in this section will be uploaded to Aurora.

Aurora Name Required SiteCapture Default Key SiteCapture Type Selection Options Description
Electrical Section Key   sc_electrical Section    The template section key for the electrical data.
Main Panel Location   sc_main_panel_location Selection north_interior, north_exterior, south_interior, south_exterior, east_interior, east_exterior, west_interior, west_exterior, ne_interior, ne_exterior, nw_interior, nw_exterior, se_interior, se_exterior, sw_interior, sw_exterior, basement, garage, barn, pole_mounted, main_floor, roof_top The location of the main panel. If this field is not defined a default value of “main floor” will be provided by the integration. 
Main Bus Rating   sc_main_bus_rating Decimal   The rating of the main bus (in amperes). If this field is not defined a default value of 0 will be provided by the integration. 
Main Breaker Rating   sc_main_breaker_rating Decimal   The rating of the main breaker (in amperes). If this field is not defined a default value of 0 will be provided by the integration. 
Service Type   sc_service_type Selection single_phase_3_wire, single_phase_2_wire, 3_phase_4_wire, 3_phase_4_wire The service type. 
Feeder Type   sc_feeder_type Selection overhead, underground, pole_mounted, ct_cabinet, other The feeder type.
Utility Meter Location   sc_utility_meter_location Selection north_interior, north_exterior, south_interior, south_exterior, east_interior, east_exterior, west_interior, west_exterior, ne_interior, ne_exterior, nw_interior, nw_exterior, se_interior, se_exterior, sw_interior, sw_exterior, basement, garage, barn, pole_mounted, main_floor, roof_top The location of the utility meter.
Existing Grounding   sc_existing_grounding Selection ground_rod, cold_water_pipe, ufer, other The method of the existing grounding.
Existing Grounding Location   sc_existing_grounding_location Text   The location of the existing grounding.
Main Panel Manufacturer   sc_main_panel_manufacturer Text   The manufacturer of the main panel.
Notes   sc_electrical_notes Text, Long Text   Additional notes about the electrical data.


Subpanel Section (Field Group)

This maps subpanel data from SiteCapture to Aurora. Note this must be a group in SiteCapture. Any photos added to any field in the group will be uploaded to Aurora.


Aurora Name Required SiteCapture Default Key SiteCapture Type Selection Options Description
Subpanel Group Key   sc_subpanels Field Group    The template field group key for subpanels.
Location   sc_location Text   The location of the main panel. 
Disconnect Location   sc_disconnect_location Text   The rating of the main bus (in amperes).
Bus Rating   sc_bus_rating integer   The rating of the main breaker (in amperes).
Disconnect Size   sc_disconnect_size integer   Size of the disconnect in amperes.
Notes   sc_subpanel_notes Text, Long Text   Additional notes about the subpanel.

Roof Section

This maps roof data from SiteCapture to Aurora. These fields will be used as the defaults for data being passed into the Mounting Plane field group.

Aurora Name Required SiteCapture Default Key SiteCapture Type Selection Options Description
Roof Type   sc_roof_type Selection

composition_shingles, tile_flat_concrete, tile_s_concrete, tile_w_concrete, tile_slate, tile_clay, rolled_asphalt,


metal_corrugated, other

The default roof type for mounting planes. This can be overridden at the mounting plane level.
Framing Type   sc_framing_type Selection




The default framing type for mounting planes. This can be overridden at the mounting plane level. 
Rafter Size   sc_rafter_size Selection 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, other The default rafter size for mounting planes. This can be overridden at the mounting plane level. 
Rafter Spacing   sc_rafter_spacing Decimal   The default rafter spacing for mounting planes. This can be overridden at the mounting plane level. 


Mounting Plane Section (Field Group)

This maps mounting place data from SiteCapture to Aurora. Note this must be a group in SiteCapture. Any photos added to any field in the group will be uploaded to Aurora.


Aurora Name Required SiteCapture Default Key SiteCapture Type Selection Options Description
Mounting Plane Group Key   sc_mounting_planes Field Group    The template field group key for mounting planes.
Pitch   sc_pitch Decimal   The pitch of the mounting plane. If this field is not defined a default value will be provided by the integration. 
Azimuth   sc_azimuth Decimal   The azimuth of the mounting plane. If this field is not defined a default value will be provided by the integration. 
Roof Type   sc_roof_type_override Selection

composition_shingles, tile_flat_concrete, tile_s_concrete, tile_w_concrete, tile_slate, tile_clay, rolled_asphalt,


metal_corrugated, other

The roof type of the mounting plane. If data exists for this field it will override the default Roof Type in the Roof Section. If no Roof Type fields are defined in the template a default value will be provided by the integration. 
Framing Type   sc_framing_type_override Selection




The framing type of the mounting plane. If data exists for this field it will override the default Framing Type in the Roof Section.  If no Framing Type fields are defined in the template a default value will be provided by the integration.
Rafter Size   sc_rafter_size_override Selection 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, other The rafter size for the mounting plane.If data exists for this field it will override the default Rafter Size in the Roof Section.  If no Rafter Size fields are defined in the template a default value will be provided by the integration.
Rafter Spacing   sc_rafter_spacing_override Decimal   The rafter spacing for the mourning plane. If data exists for this field it will override the default Rafter Spacing in the Roof Section. If no Rafter Spacing fields are defined in the template a default value will be provided by the integration.
Notes   sc_mounting_plane_notes Text, Long Text   Any additional notes for the mounting plane.

PDF Report


All data and photos will be available in the PDF report that gets attached to the Aurora project.  This includes all fields and photos that do not map directly to a field or photo area in the Aurora UI.

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