Dynamic Line Items and Services are premium features. For more information please email support@sitecapture.com.
- Services can be associated with both a Market and a Category.
- Putting Services in different Markets supports the ability to have Market-specific pricing: when a project is assigned to a particular Market, only the Services in that Market are displayed as options in Service Selection fields.
- Assigning Services to a Category means that when a Service Selection field is configured with that Category, only the relevant Services will be displayed as options. You can learn more about how to set the list of Categories on Service Selection fields here.
- Any services without a market set on them will show up for ALL projects, whether or not the project has a market set
1. To set the Market and/or Category on your Services, click on the admin icon and under Configuration, click on "Services".
2. Click the edit icon on the service item you want to add a Market to.
3. Click on the dropdown under "Market" and select the Market for the service. Click Save.
4. In the Services list view you will now see the selected Market.
5. You can also set the Category for a Service. Click on the blue edit icon as above, enter a Category, and click Save.
6. Now when a user creates a new Service item in a Project, the set of Services that appear in the dropdown will be determined by the combination of the Market on the Project and the list of Categories on the template's Service Selection field.