Contactless Self-Inspection Instructions for Existing Clients

Below you will find links to support videos that show how to set up and send the contactless inspection as the admin user, how to complete the inspection as the mobile user and how to edit the email subject and body for the inspection. We have also included written instructions for how to create, send and complete a contactless inspection. 

How to Create and Send a Contactless Inspection (for SiteCapture admin user):

How to Complete a Contactless Inspection (for Resident/Mobile User):

How to Create or Edit the Email Subject and Body for your Contactless Inspections:

How to Change the Instructions that are Automatically Sent out with your Self Inspection:

How to Copy a Completed Move-In Inspection to Create a New Move-Out Inspection


1. Set-Up (Before you send your first self-inspection)

A. Review the self inspection templates available in your portal. This will be something like: Periodic Resident Self Inspection, Move-In Self Inspection and Move-Out Self Inspection. Specifically, review the fields that contain information that will be included in every email and inspection. This includes the Instructions, Email Subject and Email Body fields. If you would like, you can update the default text in those fields. You can also edit these manually once the self-inspection is created.

Keep in mind that the three fields mentioned above must always have the following workflow for them to work properly: Instructions “Recipient Instructions”, Email Subject “Recipient Email Subject” and Email Body “Recipient Email Body”.

B. Make sure you have the “Sender’s reply-to email address” in portal settings set to what you want to use for the email sender. 

C. Edit any fields in the template that you would like changed and keep the following in mind:

  • We do not currently support editing or captions in the photos themselves
  • Dynamic field groups do not work in the self-inspection feature
  • The “Hide from Field User” checkbox will ensure that the field is hidden from the resident.
  • Your display lines (unless hidden from field) will show up in the resident self-inspection and the first line will be bold.
  • Make sure templates have statuses with a workflow state of New, Accepted and Complete
  • Make sure at least one field is required in each section that you want the resident to fill out.
  • You must have one field for resident name with a workflow of “Recipient Name”, one field for resident email with a workflow of “Recipient Email”
  • If you plan to have SiteCapture automatically send out your emails to the resident, you must add (if they are not already there) the email subject field with a workflow of “Recipient Email Subject” and the email body field with a workflow of “Recipient Email Body”. If you don’t have these fields, your emails will go out with basic SiteCapture text and you will not be able to edit that.

2. Create a project and send the link

A. Log in to your portal as one of your portal admin or manager users.

B. Navigate to the Create New button to create a new inspection using the one of the self inspection templates available in your portal (like Periodic Self Inspection, Move-In Self Inspection, etc.) under type: Resident Self Inspection

C. The new resident self-inspection will now appear. Fill in the fields you need, such as the addresses, and especially the resident name and email address (or name and email of anyone who you want to get this inspection). The resident name and email are required. If you want to test a few inspections, just put your name and email in those fields.

You can also manually edit the instructions, email subject and email body fields, if needed.

D. Set a due date. If you set a due date, when creating and sending the inspection, you will be allowed to choose if you want SiteCapture to automatically send out email reminders about the inspection being due. By default those reminders go out 2 days before the due date, on the due date and 2 days after the due date. SiteCapture can adjust this reminder schedule for you if you want these emails to go out at different times. The subject and body message are the same, but there is the word “reminder” or the word “reminder- past due” preceding the subject text.

E. Click the three dots on the right and select Send to Recipient…

F. Check the box if you would like to send Reminder Emails and Click Send. 

3. How to open and complete the inspection

A. The resident (or person testing) will receive an email with a link to complete the inspection. The link that is sent to your recipient will be valid for 90 days. However, once they mark the inspection “complete” they will no longer have access to it.

B. They should open that email and link on their mobile device. 

C. When they are ready they will click the link to begin the inspection. It will open in their default web browser on their mobile device.

- Click Get Started

- Complete fields in each section and submit. *Required fields with a red asterisk must be completed before the resident can submit the inspection.

4. To review Inspections or to check if they have been started

A. As soon as the Resident clicks on Get Started, the inspection that you see in your web portal view will actually have a status that says In Progress. That is how you can tell if a Resident has started his/her inspection.

B. The rest of the process will be exactly the same as any other project you have in SiteCapture.  You can group them, review them, print PDF, etc.  The data and photos should also be available via the API.







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