SiteCapture now has a Zapier App that allows you to easily connect your SiteCapture account to thousands of applications!
If you are not familiar with Zapier, it is an application that allows plug and play integrations with the most popular platforms such as Salesforce, Zoho, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Quickbooks, etc. Integrations that would normally require a developer and API can now be completed in minutes with NO CODE.
Instructions below are listed below but first you will need to email us at to provide an API key if you do not already have one.
1. Sign up with Zapier and once you are logged in to Zapier click this link to request access to the SiteCapture Zapier App.
2. Once you have access, you can set up your credentials within the SiteCapture Zapier App
- Server (copy entire directly):
- API Key: email us if you do not have this
- Username: username of a SiteCapture user with Admin access
- Password: password of a SiteCapture user with Admin access
3. Once you complete this you are clear to start creating zaps. Follow the Zapier steps and their documentation to connect other cloud apps to SiteCapture.