Updating Services via Import

This feature has to be turned on by SiteCapture. Please contact support@sitecapture.com.

There are two ways to update services in SiteCapture. You can edit services individually or you can update one or more services by importing them. Always use the same service keys when updating services. Do not change existing service keys as it will overwrite existing work!

1. To update services in SiteCapture via import, you must start by exporting your services to a csv spreadsheet. If you are only adding new services you can work with a new csv spreadsheet, but you must ensure the csv spreadsheet is formatted correctly using the instructions here. If you are both editing and adding new services, you should first export a csv spreadsheet of your services.

2. If changes/edits are made to a service (row) in the csv spreadsheet, it will make those changes to that service in your catalog of services in SiteCapture when you import the csv spreadsheet as long as the service key stays the same. Please refer to this guide for how to format your service data. If you changed existing services, please note that current projects with old pricing will stay the same unless you make an update to the project such as changing a quantity, it will then update to the current pricing. 

3. If a new service is added (adding a new row) to the csv spreadsheet it will add that service to your catalog of services in SiteCapture when you import the csv spreadsheet as long as the service key is unique. Please refer to this guide for how to format your service data.

4. If you export your services and then delete a service from the csv spreadsheet it will not remove it from your catalog of services in SiteCapture when you import the csv spreadsheet. You will need to manually delete that service. Learn more here.

5. Once the csv spreadsheet file is ready and the feature has been turned on by SiteCapture go to Admin>Services. Click on "Import Services". 



6. Click on "select file" and choose your csv file.


7. Confirm the file and click "Import".

8. Once the import is done you will see how many services were imported. Click "Done". 


9. If the file did not upload correctly you will see an error message indicating what the error was. Click "Done". You can fix the file and try again.  Find more on how to correctly set up your import file here.









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