The following describes how the FROM email, REPLY-TO email and SENDER NAME on emails notifications sent from SiteCapture are determined.
For more on changing the email subject or email body of your inspections click here.
For more on how to send an inspection, click here.
2. The REPLY-TO is taken from the microsite's setting for "Sender's reply-to email address". This can be set by a portal admin by clicking on the gear in the top right corner and clicking on settings. Scroll down to Notifications and enter the reply-to email and save changes.
Please note: You should not have any notifications below the Sender Name and Sender's reply-to email address (Send email on...) turned ON unless you are also using SiteCapture traditional app based product. They do not work for the Self Inspection product. If you need assistance please email your Customer Success Manager.
3. The SENDER NAME is taken from the microsite setting for "Sender name". This can be set by a portal admin by clicking on the gear in the top right corner and clicking on settings. Scroll down to Notifications and enter the Sender email and save changes.
Please note: You should not have any notifications below the Sender Name and Sender's reply-to email address (Send email on...) turned ON unless you are also using SiteCapture traditional app based product. They do not work for the Self Inspection product. If you need assistance please email your Customer Success Manager.
4. If you want to display a Sender Name that is different from what you have in settings (described above) for a specific inspection OR a specific type of inspection, you can use the Sender Name workflow.
5. To do this, you will need to add a new field to your self inspection template(s) that you will be using to create inspections where you would like to have a unique sender name. In the template(s) add a new text field that is admin only and hidden from field user. The workflow should be: Sender Name. We recommend adding this field to the first section of your template.
6. You can either set a default sender name for the template by typing the name in the default text box of the field OR you can leave that blank and set the name in each inspection you create.
When you have made the changes above be sure to test and publish your template(s). These changes will only apply to any new inspection created using the template you updated. More on template editing here (#3).
7. When you create a new inspection you will see the Sender Name field. Enter the Sender Name that you would like to appear prior to sending your inspection to the Resident.
8. The Resident will now see the name entered in that field as the Sender Name on the email, overriding the email that you have in settings (above).
9. If the SENDER NAME admin setting OR SENDER NAME workflow is not being used, then it will be blank (it is not required in an email.)