Importing Services

This feature has to be turned on by SiteCapture. Please contact

1. Before importing your services ensure you have prepared your service import CSV file using the service spreadsheet guide here. Do not include a title header as your file will not import. The first row is the header and must have all of these columns. The 2nd row and below will contain your data. You can also update service data with an import. If a service exists with the service key specified in the import file, it will update the service data.  

  • The columns can be in any order but the first row must use these exact key names
  • The only required columns are: NAME, KEY, and UNIT
  • Costs should be decimal or whole numbers without commas or dollar signs:  1.25, 0.00, 40 
  • If costs are not specified, they will default to zero
  • Booleans (can_set_cost, can_set_quantity) should be either true or false.  If omitted, they default to true
  • The Description has a limit of 255 characters. 

For more on how to format your spreadsheet see: How to populate the Service Line Item database using a csv file.


2. Once the csv file is ready and the feature has been turned on by SiteCapture go to Admin>Services. Click on "Import Services". 


3. Click on "select file" and choose your csv file.


4. Confirm the file and click "Import".


5. Once the import is done you will see how many services were imported. Click "Done". 


6. If the file did not upload correctly you will see an error message indicating what the error was. Click "Done". You can fix the file and try again.  Find more on how to correctly set up your import file here.


7. After your services are uploaded you have the ability to edit them by clicking on the blue edit icon on the right. 


8. Make any edits and click "Save". You can find a guide on the format rules for each field here.


9. If you want to delete a service, click on the red trash can icon. Another confirmation box will appear and click "Delete" or Cancel. 


10. If you need to "Delete ALL" services, click on the 3 dots. If you have existing projects using services, deleting your services will affect these projects, so it's not recommended to delete all services. 


9. Click "Delete All Services". 


10. A confirmation box will appear and you need to check the box and then click "Delete All". Please be aware that this cannot be undone.


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