Importing Data

The Import function imports data from a .csv file into the SiteCapture portal. Data is imported into a template format set up in the portal. Once imported, data is converted into work orders or projects using that template format.

Formatting the spreadsheet

1. The easiest method is to first export template data from the web app. See Export Data

         a. The first row will be the field name.

         b. The second row is the corresponding field key.

         c. Delete all of the data starting with row 3 and below. Go to step 4. 

2. The second method to formatting the spreadsheet is starting with a spreadsheet of CSV file type. The 1st row can be blank. The 2nd row will be the field keys from your template. You can find the field keys by going to your template under Settings>Templates and selecting your template. Under each field name will be a field key.


3. Enter the field keys exactly as they appear in the template or export spreadsheet into the second row and corresponding data column. You can add the field name to the first row but it is not necessary.


4. You can add new data columns to your import file for Status, Priority, Assign User, Customer, Manager, and Due Date. If you did an export, then these columns will already be in your spreadsheet. 

     a. Status field key = status

     Data in the status column should be one of the statues you have set up in your template.

     You can find the statuses and their value (that will be entered into the data column of your import         spreadsheet) by going to Settings>Templates and selecting your template. Select Edit Template.    

     Your statuses will be listed under Manage Status Options. To obtain the Status value click edit next       to the Status.


b. Priority field key = priority

Data in the priority column of your import file should be one of the following:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • None

c. Due Date field key= due_date

*All dates must be in a formats of yyyyMMdd (i.e. 20161231), MM/dd/yy, or yyyy-MM-dd

d. Assign User = assign_user

Data in the Assign User column of your import file should be the username from the SiteCapture portal.

e. Customer Username = customer

f. Manager Username = manager


5. Once the import spreadsheet is set up correctly (see Common Errors below before uploading) go to Admin>Import.

6. Choose what you would like to import and select the template. If your file contains invalid characters please check, "Remove invalid characters from your data". Choose a .csv file from your computer and click "Next".


7. An Import Summary will appear and show if there are any rows with errors. Rows with errors can not be imported so fix them in your file and upload it again. Once you don't have any errors, click on "Import Data". *If you have an error please see common errors below. 


Common Errors

If there are errors in the import spreadsheet an error message will be displayed. Common errors include incorrectly formatted data:

  • All dates must be formatted as yyyMMdd (i.e. 20161231), MM/dd/yy, or yyyy-MM-dd
  • All Boolean values must be input into the import spreadsheet as TRUE or FALSE
  • Money field should NOT include the $ sign.

8. While the import is in progress, it will show you the number of rows imported.


9. Once the import is complete you can click on the work under list of items created. You can either start a new import or "Close and view items".


10. By default, SiteCapture shows projects by most recently created which means the last row of your import will be the first project to display because SiteCapture will import the projects row by row, with the last row being the last/most recent to import. If you would like to see the projects in the same exact order as your spreadsheet, you will need to sort by "Created" on the project list view page so the oldest shows up first. If you would like to see only the work you imported, create a new search to create a view and use the appropriate criteria to find the work you imported. Sort by "Created" and save the view. 



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