Account Settings: Mobile Projects and Mobile Photos

1. Click on the admin icon and then Settings.  


2. Under Mobile Projects this is where you will choose which settings your users will see on the mobile app. 

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  • Create new projects: Allows Users and Field Users to create new projects in the field with the mobile app. When this feature is turned off, projects can only be created on the web and must be assigned to to a user before they can access the project.
  • Share projects: Allows assigned users to invite others to work on a project with them.
  • Hide completed projects: Removes the Completed or Cancelled projects from the SiteCapture mobile app after they have synced. Your projects will still be visible on the web app.
  • Show conditional fields: Shows conditional fields. This is useful when testing out a template with new conditional fields.
  • Show item counts: Allows mobile users to see the number of group items per section. See related dynamic items iOS and Android guide. 
  • Allow Report Choice: Allows users/vendors to select different reports in the mobile app.
  • Allow Document Upload: Allows users/vendors to upload documents & videos in the mobile app. See related guides on viewing documents and video in iOS and Android

3. In the Mobile Photos section you will choose the mobile photo settings for your field users. 


  • Select from photo albums: Allow users to select photos from their camera roll and import them into SiteCapture.
  • Require location data: Requires users to enable location permissions to ensure all photos have GPS geo-tagging.
  • Select photo format (aspect ratio): Sets the SiteCapture camera to take a square (1:1) or rectangular (4:3) photos.
  • Compression photo quality: Higher numbers mean better quality but also larger file sizes.                                                              Screen_Shot_2022-10-24_at_4.22.21_PM.png
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