Viewing Project Containers

SiteCapture – Viewing Project Containers on Mobile when allowing users to create new work that is to be attached to the “parent” project container

*SiteCapture must enable this feature before you can use it
Currently, this will only work as described on iOS

Please follow these steps to set up a Project Container and assign it a field user (and/or share with multiple users).

 1. Create a new Project under the “Project” type. Fill in any project details as you normally would. 


2. Assign the Project to the main field user responsible for the project. You can only assign one field used to the project container. Note:  You can add more users later see below.

If you need multiple users within the project container, you will need to use the “share” feature to give them permission as follows:

  • To share a Project Container, open the project and select the “share” button


  • Select each additional field user from the drop-down menu, “Edit” as their permission level, and select “add”. Note:  You will add them one at a time. These users will now have access to the project and will be able to create work automatically associated with this project, from their mobile devices.

3. When the field user logs in on mobile, they will see their projects under the “Property List” which can be named something else depending on what type name you have in your portal.

4. The child projects are underneath the container (eg. Property) and you will see the number of items of how many are attached to the project. Tap on the one you want to start working on. 

5. To add a new “Progress Report” (Progress Reports is an example) they will click select the appropriate type, then select the “+” in the top right to choose the correct template. Click "Create" if you don't want to attach it to a Property/Container or select the Property/Container you want to attach it to.


6. As long as the user is connected to cellular data or WiFi, the project properties should carry through to the newly created “progress report”.  Even if they are not connected online, once they do connect (and sync), you will see the progress report under the appropriate project in the portal, as well as on mobile.

7. As the users have been assigned work, and have created work in the field, they can filter through projects and their work orders as follows:

  • When the field user logs in on mobile they can filter their work by selecting “…” in the top right.
  • The “Project List’ view will show all Project Containers that have been assigned to or shared with the user. They can click through each Project Container to see individual work orders. See below


  • Work List- This will show the user all of their work orders, both those assigned under a Property Container and those that are not. See below


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